
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Middle Team Outward Bound

The Middle Team had the most amazing day with two Instructors from Linton Army Camp, who actually happened to be two of our awesome mums. The day was all about striving to reach our POTENTIAL both as Individuals and as Team participants. For some of us the challenge of completing the Individual outward bound obstacle course was enormous and for others, working in the small teams of 6 or 8 to complete our obstacle course was greatly challenging, especially as we had to communicate and work together to get our goal completed - for the common good of our small TEAMs. Did you know that TEAM stands for 'TOGETHER' 'EVERYONE' 'ACHIEVES' 'MORE'. How cool is that!
Here is a small video clip with a group working as a TEAM. Have a look and see how you think they went? What do you notice?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The SUPER 30 Fours Class Treaty

The SUPER 30 Fours have been having discussions about the importance of having our own Class Treaty.

To start our discussions going we looked at the Articles of The Treaty of Waitangi, a shared text called 'The Tree House Treaty, and a book called 'This is the House that Jack Built'. We collated all our individual thoughts together and decided what we wanted to have on our own class treaty and what were important for us all to work towards so our classroom can be the best place to be - where we feel completely trusted, respected and loved.

The SUPER 30 Fours Treaty

L.I: We are learning to:
1. Inclusively welcome new families/whanau in our class.
2. Treat others the way we want to be treated, and think, “What would Jesus do?”
3. Reverently invite Jesus into our prayer, our actions and ask Jesus to help when we are feeling sad, lonely or afraid. (Isaiah 43 1:4)
4. Listen actively to others and instructions.
5. Take responsibility for our own actions.
6. Strive for excellence in all areas of work.
7. Look after our property.

S.C: To do this we will:

• Use the Gospel Values of SUPER.
• Use the Five Finger Tool to solve unacceptable behaviour.
• Be an active risk taker and responsible learner.
• Make the right choice.
• Keep our desk, desk top and exercise books tidy.
• Focus on the speaker by stopping what we are doing and looking at the speaker.
• Listen to the message or instruction.
• Ask questions to clarify